Cochrane Collaboration in Ireland - Second Annual Cochrane in Ireland Conference 2006

Cochrane Collaboration in Ireland

Second Annual Cochrane in Ireland Conference 2006

School of Nursing, Dublin City University

The Cochrane Collaboration Logo DCU Logo

Thursday, 2 February 2006 from 10:00am to 4:00pm

Dublin City University , School of Nursing , Room HG23

The Cochrane in Ireland conference is designed to bring healthcare professionals together to examine current issues in evidence-based practice. Those in practice will find out ways to access and use evidence. Those interested in or already conducting systematic reviews will learn about developments. Those interested in conducting reviews, based either in practice or academic settings, will have opportunities to network with others of similar interests in Ireland .

Those who should attend include all healthcare professionals interested in evidence-based practice, either to improve their clinical practice or to contribute to the evidence available in systematic reviews.

For further information on the Conference contact: -

Dónal O'Mathúna, Ph.D., School of Nursing, DCU.
E-MAIL: or Tel. (01) 700 7808