Cochrane Collaboration in Ireland - First Annual Cochrane in Ireland Conference 2005
Cochrane Collaboration in Ireland
First Annual Cochrane in Ireland Conference 2005
School of Nursing, Dublin City University

First Annual Cochrane in Ireland Conference: February 3, 2005
Over one hundred delegates attended the 2005 Cochrane in Ireland conference. Healthcare professionals from a variety of backgrounds and services included nurses, physicians, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and policy makers.
Some comments that participants made about what was useful in the conference included: -
- "Unlike other conferences, all parts of it were very interesting and useful - well done."
- "The impact of Cochrane - good mix between practical and theory based sessions."
- "Practical examples and discussions of preparing a protocol and conducting a review."
- "The practical application of Cochrane was most helpful."
For details about the 2005 Conference, click on: -
For further information on the Conference contact: -
Dónal O'Mathúna, Ph.D., School of Nursing, DCU.E-MAIL: or Tel. (01) 700 7808