Today's engineers and scientists play an increasingly vital role in the future of our country and the world. The Faculty focuses on preparing students to pursue careers in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) and ICT (information communication and technology) sectors and, in doing so, aims to deliver real transformation in the lives of its registrants, society and the broader national and global economy.
Assoc. Prof Jennifer Bruton, Executive Dean
About us
The Faculty is home to three Schools and hosts or participates in a number of large scale research centres. We offer degree programmes at Bachelors, Masters and PhD levels, while online Level 9 courses are now enabling those in employment to upskill in sought after areas such as Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things. Our graduates continue to be highly sought after by industry, and their continued employability is assured through the Faculty’s ever deepening links with industry partners and an evolving curriculum that allows real-world work experience, industry-led team challenges and global engagement in line with DCU’s internationalisation strategy.
The Faculty of Engineering and Computing offers a supportive, innovative learning environment in classes and tutorials and our students benefit from real engagement with our research active staff, in both contexts, while enjoying the experience of lab based environments. Overall, we continue to commit ourselves to strive for ever more innovative approaches to teaching and learning, and, in doing so, to bring about a meaningful transformation in the lives of our students, alumni and the broader society.